Be Certain in Any Business
Identity Management Solutions for Your Customers and Vendors

Veridocs is the premier (leading) identity management solution for the gaming industry. Our KYC (Know Your Customer) solution, ID authentication and list management, automates and consolidates identity management, compliance, monitoring and reporting.
- Increase efficiency, reduce lines and improve service
- Be certain of your customer and reduce risk of fines
- Interactive alerts where you want
Automate age verification and ID authentication for high-risk retail and car rentals with industry-leading identity management software. Increase security and protect against fraud and fines.
- Eliminate staff guesswork with easy-to-use technology
- Identify stolen credit cards and borrowed IDs
- Certainty in real time

Visitor Management
Support your current visitor management system with ID authentication and watch list management. Check against regulatory or internal lists, and be certain visitors are who they say they are.
- Self-service visitor management options
- Be certain who gets access
- Gain insights and simplify audits with databasing
Authenticate IDs and check against regulatory, internal and third-party lists to prevent fraud and fines and boost service speed.
- Clear results for ease of use
- Easy-to-deploy system
- Simplify client services

Vendor Management
Know who is accessing your property or building when you rely on third-parties. Avoid unauthorized and unlicensed contractors or vendors from providing services.
- Establish internal lists of approved vendors
- Confirm certification status
- Protect your assets